Friday, March 2, 2012

Blog introduction: Data fact sheet

Editior: Valnot                                                               Research Analyst: Gennot and Valnot
Blog Design and Setup:  Gennot                                   Technical Advisor: Gennot
Page Design and Layout: Valnot and Gennot                Writer: Valnot
Collaborating Writing: Gennot

Blog: Homeschool project, documenting the modern struggles of Black Americans using a
narrative format commenting on current events. The very first narrative on the black experiences
in American was compiled between 1936 to 1938, and were referred to as the Slave Narratives.

Origin and history of Cabrini Green housing projects:

Short article and videos on affordable housing:

Aerial views of a small section of Robert Taylor, before the demolition :


Stateway Garden Projects, in Chicago

Me, Valnot:

I lived in both Cabrini Green Housing Projects in the mid 1960's, and then later Robert Taylor Housing Projects in the late 1970's thru the mid 1980's. This blog came about when my youngest daughter Gennot kept asking me, " Mom, what was it like when you were growing up". Though I concentrated on the housing projects in the city of Chicago, I am also including a list of other housing projects throughout the United States titled "Scatter sites for housing projects across the United States".

Scatter sites for housing projects across the United States: